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At Rosewood Medical Spa of Midland, MI, we offer women and men numerous nonsurgical procedures for rejuvenating the skin. Dysport is an injectable wrinkle relaxer that works similarly to BOTOX to reduce and soften dynamic lines and wrinkles on the face. Dynamic wrinkles are formed by recurrent facial movements and expressions (like smiling, laughing, and frowning) that over time make the facial muscles tight. This causes the overlying skin to have a furrowed line that is visible even when your face is relaxed. Dysport is uniquely designed to address one of the most common dynamic wrinkles: the frown lines that show up as vertical lines between the eyebrows. It temporarily softens the muscle so the dynamic wrinkle is smoother, but with natural-looking results that don’t give you a “frozen” face. Learn more about Dysport wrinkle relaxer injections at Rosewood Medical Spa to help you look refreshed.


Dysport is ideal if you are looking for a nonsurgical procedure to address moderate to severe vertical frown (glabellar) lines between the eyebrows. Since dynamic wrinkles and lines are caused by frequent use, they can develop at any age and make you look tired, mad, or sad. Dysport is a fast, effective treatment that corrects dynamic wrinkles without giving you a “frozen” face. Since Dysport spreads to treat a cluster of wrinkles, it is also ideal for Crow’s feet, the fine lines in the outer corners of the eyes. Most patients at Rosewood Medical Spa see visible improvement in their dynamic wrinkles a few days after their injections that on average last up to four months.


Dysport injections are done in one of our procedure rooms after your consultation, taking about 15 – 30 minutes. A numbing cream or local anesthetic is usually not needed since the injections are made with a fine-gauge needle that causes very little discomfort, but it can be requested. The skin will be thoroughly cleansed and five carefully placed Dysport injections will be administered along the brow, followed by a cold compress to limit swelling and bruising. After your procedure at Rosewood Medical Spa, you may resume daily tasks but you should try to avoid strenuous activities for at least a day.


After a Dysport treatment, you may notice mild swelling and redness near the injection sites, but this typically will resolve naturally in a few days. You should sleep upright for the first night and continue to use a cold compress as needed. Results are often seen within a few days as the appearance of your lines are decreased for a smoother, softer appearance. These results typically last for about 3 – 4 months and touch-up treatments can be scheduled at Rosewood Medical Spa in Midland, MI to maintain your results.


If you are looking for a nonsurgical procedure to refresh your skin by treating the frown lines between your brows, Dysport injectable wrinkle relaxer is a great choice. You can talk about Dysport and other available procedures during your appointment to get a unique plan that fits your concerns and goals. We invite you to call Rosewood Medical Spa in Midland, MI to learn more and schedule an appointment.