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ClearScan YAG™ Laser


Potentially found anywhere on the face or body, vascular lesions are often thin, branching blood vessels that are visible underneath the skin. Caused by many factors, such as age and genetics, vascular lesions may be blue, purple, and/or red, which makes them difficult to conceal. Since these types of conditions can progress over time and become more noticeable, it is advisable to get treatment when they first appear. To minimize the appearance of blood vessels, spider veins, and redness on the face and body, Rosewood Medical Spa performs nonsurgical laser vein removal with Sciton’s ClearScan YAG for Midland, MI women and men. During your private consultation, our providers can suggest a customized treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals for your laser vein reduction treatment.


ClearScan YAG treatments may minimize the appearance of small or mid-sized veins or broken capillaries on the body and face. Laser vein removal with ClearScan YAG is a good option for people who are in overall good health, don’t have a history of blood clots, and aren’t pregnant. The following conditions can be effectively treated with ClearScan:

  • Facial veins
  • Redness
  • Spider veins
  • Rosacea
  • Broken capillaries
  • Telangiectasia


Sciton’s ClearScan YAG offers unparalleled efficiency and safety for the treatment of nearly all types of vascular lesions. Considered the gold standard for all skin types and tones, our providers recommend the laser treatment for any patient who desires a more effective solution without undergoing invasive procedures. ClearScan treatment is highly customizable and allows the technician the ability to tailor the treatment to the individual and specific needs of each patient.


ClearScan YAG treatments are performed in our Midland, MI office as an outpatient procedure in around 20 – 40 minutes, depending on the number of areas being addressed. During your procedure, you will relax in a reclined position in a private treatment room as the affected area is cleansed and prepared. If requested, a topical anesthetic can be used before your treatment to lessen any discomfort. The handheld laser device is passed over the region so the energy can reach the treatment area with multiple pulses that won’t harm the surrounding tissues. The abnormal blood vessel soaks in the laser energy, which collapses and closes the vessel wall. You will be allowed to leave as soon as you feel comfortable to get back to your regular activities.


After your laser treatment, you may notice mild swelling, redness, and bruising; however, these side effects should subside in about 7 – 10 days. For faster healing, support or compression garments can be worn to increase your blood circulation. It is necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to UV rays, and you should use sunscreen on the treated skin. Several patients may see improvements right away, but outcomes will be different for each person. In your consultation, realistic expectations will be reviewed and recommendations will be given on how many sessions will be necessary to achieve optimal results.


Many patients notice optimal results after just one treatment with ClearScan YAG. However, if you have multiple treatment areas or need more than one treatment, we may be able to offer package pricing for your procedure. Additionally, patients sometimes choose to combine multiple aesthetic procedures, in which case, your treatment plan could be comprehensive and pricing could vary accordingly. After your treatment plan is tailored to your needs during your consultation, a member of our team will discuss pricing and the payment methods we accept.


At Rosewood Medical Spa, we hope to help you achieve your ultimate aesthetic and skin care goals. With ClearScan YAG, we can reduce the appearance of vascular veins and hyperpigmentation so your confidence can be renewed. To learn more about our vast laser selection, including ClearScan YAG, we invite you to contact our Midland, MI facility at your leisure to schedule your visit.