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ProFractional™ Resurfacing by Sciton


The Sciton system allows our providers the ability to treat a wide array of skin conditions with one powerful platform. ProFractional XC is a treatment by Sciton that offers patients the best of both worlds because it targets small areas to treat specific skin conditions, such as scars, without affecting the nearby skin. This results in a clear complexion with minimal downtime. Unlike full-field skin resurfacing, which serves to remove the entire surface area of a treatment site, ProFractional resurfacing ablates narrow-diameter channels into the skin, treating only a small fraction of the total surface area. ProFractional resurfacing is a quick treatment and is considered a “comfortable” laser. It can improve the overall appearance of your skin and can be used on most areas of the body. To learn more about ProFractional Resurfacing by Sciton, call Rosewood Medical Spa to schedule your skin consultation.


ProFractional XC by Sciton uses an ablative approach, which produces visible results. ProFractional resurfacing is unique because while most lasers deliver their energy to cover a large surface area (which works great for widespread conditions, such as sun damage), the ProFractional treatment is very isolated to a specific target. ProFractional XC can effectively treat:

  • Scars
  • Pitting caused by acne
  • Age spots or sun spots


ProFractional by Sciton ablates the treatment area by using a tiny laser beam to pinpoint the skin. This laser beam, which does not affect the surrounding skin, has the power to create channels up to 1,500 microns deep. Because only a fraction of the skin is directly targeted, the healthy tissue that resides outside of the treatment area promotes rapid healing, which creates new collagen, adding resilience to the skin. Ablation depth, thermal heat, and laser speed can all be adjusted, depending on the condition being treated and the patient’s specific pathology and downtime needs.


During ProFractional resurfacing, one of our providers will thoroughly clean your skin and make sure you are comfortable before starting the treatment. Safety covers will be used to protect your eyes. The Sciton laser handpiece will be placed on the target area and the laser energy will be applied. Rapid snapping sounds can be heard. This process is repeated in adjacent locations until the treatment area has been fully covered. This process takes about 15 – 30 minutes. ProFractional resurfacing is quick and is regarded as a comfortable treatment. After your treatment, your skin will appear red and tender (similar to a sunburn). You will be given treatment aftercare, which includes wearing SPF and keeping the treatment area moist with the application of an ointment.


Complete healing typically occurs within a few days and most patients usually feel comfortable enough to get back to work and apply makeup a day or two after the treatment. You may be given skin care products and instructions on how to use them. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the procedure so you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. As your skin heals in the days following your treatment, you may notice a general tightening effect. However, the true benefit of ProFractional is the collagen remodeling that occurs during the 4 – 6 months following your treatment.


The price for ProFractional skin resurfacing varies, depending on the area being treated and the number of treatment sessions scheduled. Most patients need between 3 – 5 treatments for scar treatment. The average cost starts at $150.


If you have noticeable scarring and are looking for a way to a softer, clearer skin appearance, we invite you to call Rosewood Medical Spa to learn more. One of our providers will assess your scar(s) and provide a detailed treatment plan that may consist of ProFractional laser therapy. Call now to schedule your consultation.