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MonaLisa Touch

WHAT IS Monalisa Touch?

The MonaLisa Touch® treatment is the most recent and most promising breakthrough in women’s vulvovaginal health. We offer MonaLisa Touch® as a non-surgical procedure at our beautiful facility in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. For this treatment, we insert a small probe into the vagina, delivering pulses of laser energy to revitalize the cells, stimulate new collagen production, restore vaginal microarchitecture, and improve vaginal pH. The MonaLisa Touch® is a minimally-invasive, in-office treatment that is preformed without the requiring anesthesia; because of this, the procedure is quick, resulting in virtually no downtime for you, and results are almost immediate! Although we do recommend at least 3 treatments.

how does monalisa touch work?

The MonaLisa Touch® uses fractional laser technology to ablate small micro-columns of tissue. This leaves an ecosystem of healthy, unaffected tissue to support rapid vaginal healing.

who are the treatments for?

The MonaLisa Touch® is for women with gynecologic health concerns. Its SmartXide Touch Laser attachment is indicated for incision, excision, ablation, vaporization, and coagulation of soft bodily tissue. It is important that our providers and staff at Rosewood review the risks and benefits specifically for you as not everyone is a good candidate for this service.

what can i expect during / after the procedure?

This in-office procedure does not typically require anesthesia and only lasts about five minutes. After the procedure, patients can return to normal activities but should refrain from sexual activity for 2-3 days. Dr. Mohan will determine the best aftercare that is right for you.

what results can i expect?

Many patients begin to see an improvement in symptoms of vaginal dryness, vaginal/vulvar itching, burning urination, painful intercourse, urinary frequency, nighttime voiding, and other menopause-related symptoms after just one MLT vaginal laser treatment. However, for best results, a series of 3-5 sessions 4-6 weeks apart may be needed. As your body begins to naturally create more collagen over time, your vaginal health will be restored.