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It is no secret that having children changes a woman’s body. One of the most frustrating areas for women after pregnancy is their stomach. Diastasis recti is a postpartum abdominal condition that is quite common for patients after pregnancy, and many women seek help to correct abdominal separation after having children.

If you are looking for help with this condition, abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is an excellent solution at Yonick Plastic Surgery in Midland, MI. Double board-certified reconstructive and plastic surgeon Dr. David Yonick and his professional team are here to help before your abdominal separation after pregnancy leads to more problems, like a bulging belly or chronic back pain.

What is diastasis recti?

The abdominal muscles, or rectus abdominus, run parallel from the ribs to the pubic area and are held together by a fascia band of tissue. When a woman becomes pregnant, the fascia naturally stretches and thins out, allowing the abdominal muscles to separate to accommodate a growing baby. After pregnancy, the fascia contracts back to normal. However, in some cases, pregnancy can weaken this connective tissue, causing the abdominal muscles to remain separated after giving birth. Women struggling with this condition often look pregnant, even years after having their last baby. Diastasis recti causes other problems, such as:

  • Hernias
  • Lower back pain
  • Stress incontinence
  • Digestive disorders

How can I check if I have diastasis recti?

Abdominal separation, also known as diastasis recti, presents as a protruding or “bulging” belly. The abdominal muscles that typically work together can be weakened by pregnancy and remain stretched apart after giving birth. It is generally a cosmetic issue for women but can lead to other problems if not corrected. Other signs of this condition are:

  • Protruding belly even at a healthy body weight with diet and exercise
  • Still looking pregnant a year or more after giving birth
  • Belly bulge becomes more visible when abs are engaged
  • Problems with lower back pain or constipation

Treat diastasis recti with tummy tuck in Michigan

The primary goal of abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is to obtain a smoother, flatter, more toned-looking stomach. It can also repair underlying abdominal muscles that are stretched or damaged. Diastasis recti after pregnancy is quite common for women, and compromised or weak abdominal muscles will not correct themselves. A tummy tuck is designed to remove excess, loose skin, and tighten the abdominal wall inside and out. Placing internal sutures in the fascia to close any separation can repair this condition to restore a flatter, firmer abdominal area. It also will alleviate any secondary issues, such as back pain, stress incontinence, or a hernia. With the help of Dr. Yonick, we are confident that a tummy tuck can correct this medical condition and help you reach your aesthetic goals after having children, so you feel and look great.

Are you bothered by a bulging belly or suspect you have diastasis recti? In that case, talking to an experienced, qualified board-certified plastic surgeon, like Dr. David Yonick, can help you better understand your tummy tuck options to address any concerns. A tummy tuck can make a dramatic difference in how you feel and look, boosting your self-confidence after having children. To learn more, contact Yonick Plastic Surgery in Midland, MI, and schedule your consultation with Dr. Yonick today.